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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Life and death

Le clarisse accompagnano p.Toussaint con il canto
les Clarisses accompagnent avec le chant le p.Toussaint

Life and death
Last week a Capuchin brother, Fr. Toussaint Zoumalde, was killed in Cameroon, in Ngaoundere, most likely during a robbery.  I knew him well: years ago he was in the seminary in Bouar, where I worked for 11 years. It was a sudden death: on the one hand it reminds us of our fragility, and on the other the fragility of security in our country. On Friday, March 23rd, we celebrated his funeral, in the cathedral of Bouar, where he was ordained in 2002. The church was full (p.Toussaint was originally from Bouar, and worked for many years for Radio Siriri), and we were about sixty priests , together with the bishop, who gathered to pray for our brother. Just yesterday, Wednesday March 27, Pope Francis presented a sister (a missionary in Africa for 60 years!), and said: "I intend to express my gratitude to you and all the missionaries, priests, religious and laity, who scatter the seeds of the Kingdom of God in every part of the world. Your job is great. You "burn" your life sowing the word of God with your testimony ... And in this world you do not make news, you are not news in the newspapers ". Returning to Bozoum, in the afternoon a small tornado was unleashed: very strong wind, dust, and then, finally, rain. It was awesome to see nature go wild! Thank God there were not too many disasters: some flying sheets, some destroyed thatched roof, but no victims. Monday I went down to Bangui, to then return to Bozoum on Wednesday, where I found a nice surprise: the Minister of Mining suspended all gold mining activities in Bozoum! And for three days the construction sites have stopped! It is a first, small victory, and we hope that actually Chinese companies are obliged to respect the rules, and to fix the damage they have done.
We will see, and we will check!

Il decreto del Ministero che blocca le attività inerarie delle ditte cinesi
Le décret du Ministère qui bloque les activités minières des entreprises chinoises

piccolo tornado in arrivo
petite tornade

il nostro Liceo, visto da uno degli alunni
notre Lycée, vu par un de nos élèves

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