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Friday, June 7, 2019

Slowly Slowly...

Slowly Slowly...

4 ministers and 3 deputies: this is who arrived here in Bozoum this week!

The issue of the gold mines and the over extraction by the Chinese companies in Bozoum continues.

After my brief arrest on April 27th, and after meeting with the Prime Minister (May 8th), nothing seemed to have changed.

The Prime Minister had promised a Commission of inquiry into the environmental disaster, water pollution and the promise of building dispensaries and schools, but we have not seen anything yet.

On Sunday, finally, four Ministers arrived in Bozoum: we had the Minister of the Mines, Minister of the Environment, Minister of Water and Forests, and the Minister of Public Security.

They arrived around 10:00am, and at 1:00pm they met  with the assembly. I was not present because I was not invited (most likely on purpose ...), but the assembly of Bozoum was not intimidated by them. By now many have understood the severity of the problem, the ecological disaster and the impoverishment of the area (and also that of future generations) and they are not satisfied with the usual run around talk. They demanded respect for themselves and their communities. The Delegation did not expect much opposition from the assembly, and were taken by surprise, so because of this they had to admit that there were mistakes made, and that they are going to do something to rectify the problems created.

A couple of days later three deputies arrived, on an official mission: the Parliament decided to create a Commission of inquiry, and so I am here, for a few days, to verify the damage and report to Parliament. It is a Commission that has many powers, and therefore some hope is rekindled.

It is amazing to see the maturity and responsibility of the people of Bozoum. Long journey's always begin with a first step.

In the upcoming days we near the end of the school year, and so exams begin.

In the meantime we go on with the various activities, both in the parish and outside.

Work on the construction of the Bozoum Radio continues.


Radio Bozoum

La Chiesa di Kpari in costruzione
L'église de Kpari en construction

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