Milk and Ashes
After seven years, the milk has finally returned to Bozoum!
Here in Central Africa there is an ethnic group, the Peuls, composed
primarily of nomadic shepherds. Originally from Nigeria, they travel from north
to south with their cows in search of pastures.
Many of these families had stabilized themselves, there were actually
many around Bozoum as well and two or three times a week, they brought us fresh
milk. While cattle belongs to the men, the fruits of the milk (and the
transformation of butter or yogurt) are the exclusive use of the women.
Unfortunately, with the war, almost all the Peuls in the area had left.
Last Friday I had the nice surprise of seeing some women here at the Mission
who came to sell milk! It is a small but beautiful sign that the situation is
slowly improving.
Sunday we celebrate the Scouts, a beautiful movement very active in
Central Africa: at the end of the Mass 9 young people publicly make their
Monday I left for Bouar, to go up on Tuesday to Bocaranga. They are
together with Father Matteo and with him we visited our 3 catechists who are
attending the first year of formation in the School of Catechists, managed by
the Capuchin fathers, together with 15 other families.
The catechist is an essential figure in the African church: he is the
one who guides prayer in the neighborhoods and villages, explains the
catechism, accompanies the Christian community. In the villages where the
priest manages to come 2 or 3 times a year, it is he, the catechist, who is
present, together with his family.
Here in Bocaranga, while in the morning the catechists follow the
courses on the sacraments, the Word of God, the history of the Church, the
wives are trained in literacy, childcare, sewing, cooking ...
On Wednesday we started the journey of Lent with the giving of Ashes: a
sign that reminds us of how fragile and weak we are and sinners. It is a sign
that prepares us to let ourselves be enveloped, as Pope Francis writes,
"by the open arms of Christ on the cross", which calls us to entrust
ourselves and believe in His Mercy, which frees us from all sin.
Happy Lent!
Peul - Mbororo |
Scuola dei Catechisti - Bocaranga Ecole des Catéchistes de Bocaranga |
Bozoum-Bocaranga |