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Saturday, February 1, 2020

16th Agricultural Fair of Bozoum. Part Two

16th Agricultural Fair of Bozoum. Part Two
Opening on Friday morning, January 24, 2020, the 16th Bozoum Agricultural Fair continued for another 2 days, until Sunday the 26th.
Saturday morning, the second day, I went down to the Fair early, and I realized that there were fewer bags than the previous day, which was a good sign: it meant that sales were going well.
At 8.30 we left with the Ministers and the various delegates to the rice fields of Bozoum: this year, as well,  the results were excellent, with an average of 5 tons of rice produced per hectare. The unfortunate fact is that 17 hectares of rice were destroyed by the August floods (caused in part by heavy rainfall, and in part by the excavation works in the Ouham river bed by the Chinese companies).
On returning to Bozoum we passed by the Radio station "La Voix de Koyale", who gave the ministers a nice interview.
In the afternoon we left to visit the now famous "Bozoum gardens", which are masterpieces of precision, beauty, colours and lots of work!
On Sunday morning, after Mass was celebrated by the National Secretary of Caritas, Abbé Alain, we prepared everything needed for the awards. At each Fair there are 2 competitions: one reserved for stands and exhibitors, and another for vegetable gardens. There is great pride taken for this double recognition, which rewards people and cooperatives who have distinguished themselves in the work and in the display of products.
Finally, the various dignitaries handed out the certificates, a medal and some gifts to the first 10 exhibitors and gardeners. Our students of the last class of St Augustin High School also received recognition, they worked exceptionally hard on the reception and compilation of data on products and sales.
In the afternoon the party continued, but then there was nothing left to buy! Of the more than 3,600 bags that arrived, nothing remained.
On Monday morning, while we were counting sales, we were shocked by the success of this fair: twice as much as last year! Sales exceed 90 million f cfa (over 150,000 euros) !.
See you at the next fair!

Visita alle risaie
Visite au Centre Rizicole

Il Ministro dell'Azion Umanitaira
Mme le Ministre de l'Action Humanitaire

Paolo Silvestro e Enrico Massone

Suzanne, vincitrice del Concorso degli orti

Il Ministro dell'Agricoltura premia gli alunni del nostro Liceo St Augustin
Le Ministre de l'Agriculture décore nos élèves de St Augustin

Giuseppe Occelli


Il vincitore del concorso della Fiera 2020
Le vianqueur de la Foire 2020

La nostra ricchezza è la terra, non sotto terra
Notre richesse est le sol, pas le sous sol

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