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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Another 600 km of charity, prayer and hope

Another 600 km of charity, prayer and hope
Sunday, with the celebration of the Palms, we started, in a strange way, this very different Holy Week.
No procession, this already a very different start! The procession with the palms is a moment very much felt by everyone, but we could not do it.
We celebrated 2 Masses, to give people a little more opportunity to participate, because we cannot and do not want to bring too many people together, so as not to take unnecessary risks, in this time of coronavirus.
Unfortunately, the situation continues to be rather underestimated. Here in Bozoum the authorities (prefect) have not created any crisis committee, nor held any meetings. Apart from the closed schools, and the limited number religious services, there are no limitations: the market and shops are full of people, and many laugh about catching the virus as if it were a joke: “we won't touch it! ".
Unfortunately, even though there are still few cases in Central Africa (11 in the capital), in the neighbouring Cameroon there are already more than 730 people infected by Covid-19, and we are closer to Cameroon than to Bangui. Despite the official closure of the borders, there are still many people who come and go with little regards to the closures. It only costs a little bit more than usual!
On Tuesday and Wednesday I left to finish the visits to the parishes. On Tuesday I was in Niem, about 75 km from Bouar, and on Wednesday in Baboua, 100 km from Bouar, near the border with Cameroon.
I was able to meet all the parish committees of Caritas and all the communities. Everyone is very interested and, above all, ready to help those in need, especially the elderly, the poor, and the most fragile people.
It's nice to see interest and generosity. Here and elsewhere: although the whole world is touched, from Italy (diocese of Massa Carrara-Pontremoli) and the Czech Republic (from we have received help, which allows us to buy masks, gloves, soap, disinfectant and rice, oil and concentrated tomatoes that we have already distributed.
Today we began the Easter Triduum: three days in which the history of men and that of God have become one, in the sacrifice of the cross.
We all come together in prayer. In each cross there is the sprout of a Resurrection.
Happy Easter!


Mercato settimanale a Bocaranga
Marché hebdomadaire à Bocaranga


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