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Sunday, February 21, 2021

A road opens, slowly, very slowly.



A road opens, slowly, very slowly.

Slowly, very slowly, Central Africa seems to be moving towards a small improvement in the precarious situation that has been dragging on for 2 months now.

These days the first convoys of trucks are beginning to pass, heading towards Bangui. Since December 22nd, no trucks had managed to get beyond the blockade set up by the rebels, and the capital is still in dire trouble. Prices have doubled or even tripled in some cases, putting families to the test. The towns along the road also suffered major economic repercussions, due to the halt in sales of vegetables, fruit, cassava, wood, coal and various services to passing trucks (every week there were from 600 to 1,000 trucks in both directions).

Thank God the situation in Bouar is also starting to improve. Thanks to the help of many, in particular CRS (Caritas of the United States), Siriri, OPS (Prague) and the many people with good hearts, on Saturday, February 13th we were able to organize a large distribution. Over 2,800 families (almost 17,000 people) were welcomed at the sites of the Cathedral, Fatima, St. Laurent, St Michel, St. Elie and in the 3 seminaries.  Each family received rice, oil, sardines, sugar, coffee, nuts, tomato paste, soap and detergent.

Thanks to this help, and to the improvement of the situation, many people have been able to return to their homes. Today, Thursday, February 18th, I passed through Bouar, and I was struck by the difference between the current situation and that of a week ago. Out of 17,000 people, there are now 2,000 or 3,000, who are expected to leave in the next few days.

On Saturday, while priests and volunteers from various sites distributed the aid, I was able to follow the live streaming (the wonders of technology: of the funeral Mass of my mom. A very difficult moment, but full of gratitude to God for the gift he gave me and he gave us in the person of my mother.

The grace and affection of so many people who, in one way or another have shown their closeness (with prayer and hundreds of messages) have helped and supported me a lot. Thank you!

Allow me to share with you the letter I sent to my mother, which my sister Marisa read during the funeral:

Hi mama!

I want to greet you once again, I know it won't be the last!

I am Aurelio, your furthest son, but I am still close, despite the kilometers, thanks to prayer and affection.

In September 1992, just as I was about to leave for the Mission in Central Africa, we said goodbye in the hospital. You had prepared everything to accompany me, you and dad, to Paris. But you had fallen, breaking a vertebra, and could not move from the hospital.

When I came to greet you for the last time before leaving, that September 1992, I remember that you hugged me with affection, and with so much strength. You didn't cry, in front of me, although I'm sure you did, after I left your room, because you wanted to help me leave peacefully.

It is a bit like an image of your whole life: always letting others pass by, not being a burden, not disturbing ...

You didn't want to bother anyone even to die, leaving us a little suddenly, but after so many months of illness and pain.

Yesterday I saw you, thanks to technology today: dressed well, with the rosary in hand.

How many rosaries have those hands of yours opened!

How many tagliolini and ravioli have those hands made!

How many hugs and candies your hands have given!

How many fabrics and scraps those hands have sewn! Curtains, tablecloths, sheets, pillows and pot holders… scattered throughout Italy and Africa.

A strong and simple faith, and the joy of pleasing and giving joy to others.

Now you will finally be with dad, Giuseppe, Luisella and with the many friends you have met and have cheered up with your attention and affection for many many years.

We will miss you, mom; me, Giovanni and Marisa, Flavio and Franca and all your grandchildren; Daniela, Mauri, Valentina and Lu.  We will all miss you very much.

Your life leaves a beautiful mark, and we can only thank God because He gave you to us, and because we have been able to enjoy you for so many years.

You will continue, I'm more than sure, to be close to us.

You will continue, as you always have, to be proud of each of us, children and grandchildren.

Help and accompany us, so that we always deserve your pride.

Saint Elie a una settimana di differenza: prima e ora
Saint Elie à une semaine de différence: avant et maintenat

Saint Elie a una settimana di differenza: prima e ora
Saint Elie à une semaine de différence: avant et maintenat

Distribuzione viveri ai rifugiati della Yolé Carmes
Distribution des vivres aux déplacés de Yolé Carmes

Il vescovo di Bouar con i viveri da distribuire ai rifugiati
L'eveque de Bouar avec les vivres à distribuer aux déplacés

Catechismo domenicale a Samba Bougoulou
Le catéchisme, le dimanche, à Samba Bougoulou

Riprendono timidamente, ma ben scortati, i convogli di camion per bangui
La reprise des convois de camions, timidement mais bien escortés, en direction Bangui

Maman, avec mon frère Giovanni, moi, ma soeur Marisa, et toutes leurs familles
Mamma con mio fratello Giovanni, mia sorella Marisa, e tutte le loro famiglie



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