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Sunday, May 16, 2021




Every now and then I had hoped to get a little bored and not have anything to tell, but instead, every week, there is something new, interesting or original. Often, it is both interesting and original.

During this time we are preparing for Confirmations. The bishop of Bouar, Mgr. Mirek Gucwa, will be coming this weekend for this very reason.

To prepare for everything there is a lot of work. The catechists do their best to train the boys, girls, young people and adults.  Before the sacrament  it is necessary to verify how much the students have learned.

So, in these upcoming weeks, I went from from village to village to meet the confirmandi, help them prepare, and also do the catechism "exams": Saturday afternoon I dedicated to the nearest villages, that were on the road to Bangui, Sunday I was be in the village of Samba Bougoulou, and Tuesday and Wednesday the most distant villages (Yoro, Bayanga Didi and Sinaforo).

Tuesday morning I left before 6, and arrived in Bayanga Didi after 8.30. I brought with me a catechist, and 3 bricklayers, to redo the floor of the veranda of the church, that overtime (and because of goats!) has deteriorated. I alternated between the construction site and the exams, and in the evening we were well under way. I also had time to take a tour of the village. Here there was a small clinic, complete with a maternity ward. There was also a state school, where, unfortunately, the last lesson took place on April 20! Something really needs to be done about schools in this part of the country!

Wednesday morning, after having celebrated Mass at 6 am, I went to Yoro, 5 km away. Here I did the exams, and the preparation of the candidates. Just as I made confessions, they informed me that in Bayanga Didi they saw rebels of the 3R group (who a few days earlier stole some motorcycles and attacked some traders). After the confessions, we waited a bit, and since there were no unfamiliar sounds or shots, we left for Bayanga Didi, where we found a tranquil silence. Thank God it was a false alarm!

After the masons finished their work we were able to leave at 15.30.

We travelled in the rain, in the middle of the savannah and trees. The road hasn't improved: it takes almost 3 hours for 74 kilometers! Maybe it's because of the traffic… having encountered both a motorcycle and a car on the way...! 

I arrived in Baoro in the dark, despite everything.

And despite everything, everything went well!

Bayanga Didi: prima
Bayanga Didi: avant

Bayanga Didi: dopo
Bayanga Didi: après



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