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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Christmas, the Baoro version



Il presepe di Bangui
La crèche de Bangui


Christmas, the Baoro version

Celebrating Christmas in Central Africa, especially in the most isolated villages, is a very beautiful and profound experience. Despite the heat (which exceeds 35 ° during the day - but drops to 15 ° at night-), the lack of lights and electricity, the poverty and tension in the country, it almost seems to be like that night 2000 years ago, in Bethlehem. Attention and adoration on the part of the poorest (such as shepherds), and indifference or superficiality on the part of those who believe themselves rich and powerful (such as Herod and many others, many years ago).

Friday the 24th I left, together with my sister Marisa and her husband Flavio, around 6 in the morning. We had less than 90 km to go, but it took almost 3 hours to get to Sinaforo, the last village. Here we found the catechist with other Christians who were waiting for us on the street, and welcomed us in a very simple chapel, made of dirt and old metal sheets. To make it look more festive it was decorated with flowers and leaves for Christmas. After confessions, we celebrated Midnight Mass (even though it was only 11 in the morning) and it was such a pleasant and memorable mass.

After Mass, we stayed with the children for a while (to whom we brought some candy and a ball), and then we returned to Yoro, 7 km away. Here we celebrated Mass at 9 pm, in a packed church. We finished at 11pm, and we spent the night here, in the 2 rooms behind the church.

Saturday, Christmas day, we left Yoro around 7, and we went down to Bayanga Didi, where they were waiting for us for Mass. I confessed for over 2 hours, and the Celebration began at 11.30. Today we also celebrated the baptisms of 6 babies, and so the celebration was even more beautiful.

Around 3 pm we left for Baoro, where we arrived around 5.30 pm.

Sunday the 26th, the feast of the Holy Family and Saint Stephen, I went to celebrate Mass in Dobere, 55 km away: today is the feast of the patron saint of the community. And it is also the feast of Father Stefano, a parish priest here in Baoro, which we celebrate at dinner, together with Father Saverio (provincial superior) and Father Federico. After the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the presence of the Carmelites in Central Africa, they will visit our community and on Tuesday 28th I will accompany them to Bangui.

Here the construction works of the new convent are moving along well, and we visited the construction site with them and the Nuncio on Wednesday, December 29th.

Returning from Bangui today, December 30th. We are at the end of this long year, which has been particularly difficult for Central Africa (elections, rebels, Covid). But with God's grace we have come to an end, and we pray and hope for a new year still in His merciful hands.

Best wishes!


I nuovi battezzati di Natale a Bayanga Didi
Les nouvex baptisés de Noel à Bayanga Didi
Avanzamento lavori a Bangui
L'état des travaux à Bangui
Visita del Nunzio e del p.Provinciale
Visite du Nonce et du p.Provincial




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