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Wednesday, April 20, 2022






Holy Week is a very intense time. Days full of Mystery, and of Love, which help to fulfill us with the extraordinary event of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.

This year I celebrated the Triduum in the villages, and it was a very nice experience. For some, it was the first time they had attended the Triduum liturgies and we had many participate. 
Holy Thursday, Eucharist and Priesthood Day, I celebrated the service in Bawi, 35 km from Baoro. During the Mass we gave the washing of the feet to 12 people, in memory of the simple and very strong gesture of Jesus, during the Last Supper.

Good Friday I was in Barka Bongo, 42 km. We celebrated the passion and death of Jesus on the Cross: the celebration is marked by pain and silence, but also by amazement because, as John the Evangelist said, "Jesus, having loved his own, loved them to the end".

Holy Saturday, is the day of great silence.

In the afternoon I went to Dobere, 55 km away. We prepared for the Easter Vigil together, which began at 6.30 pm and  we opened with the blessing of the fire and the lighting of the Paschal Candle.

At the moment of the Glory, the people, numerous, broke out into song and joy for the Risen Lord.

On Easter day I celebrated Mass in Bawi, and here too it was a great celebration!

Monday I returned to Bangui. The road repair work is still very poor. The second half of the road, between Bossembele and Yalokè, being completed by the ONM, a state-owned firm, always under the control (?) of the Lege Engineering studio. In this half, there is a little more work: in some parts of the road the old tar is removed, but the new one consists of a very thin layer of liquid tar, covered with some gravel. And… the works should finish by May 14 (in less than a month) yet only a small part will be completed.





Bawi - Giovedì Santo
Bawi, le jeudi saint


Barka Bongo - Venerdì Santo
Barka Bongo, le Vendredi Saint


Veglia Pasquale a Dobere
La veille de Paques à Dobere

Lavori (???) in corso
Attention... travaux!




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