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Saturday, April 2, 2022

Via Crucis - Way of the cross



Mario Mazzali e Marco al lavoro
Mario Mazzali au travail avec Marco

With the civil war that broke out in 2013, it forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee. Many have left their homes and villages for other areas in Central Africa (internal refugees) and many have fled the country. 

As of today, out of a population of about 5 million inhabitants, there are 632,000 internal refugees, and 738,000 abroad: a total of 1,370,000 people (more than 27.4% of the population). 

In this period of Lent, among other things, there is the celebration of the Via Crucis: a prayer that follows in the footsteps of the passion of Jesus. In Central Africa it is a very heartfelt prayer said among the people. 

 But there are many people who experience suffering on their skin, and every day carry their own Via Crucis.
 Cardinal Nzapalainga, the archbishop of Bangui, arrived in Baoro on Monday, March 28th. A strong personality, who clearly stands out in the country. He came to meet the various refugees, inside and outside Central Africa. 

In the afternoon we went to meet the Muslim community who, after having lived for 5 or 6 years in the refugee camps in Cameroon, returned to the country and chose to live in Baoro. There are over 2,000 people, with many children. It was a nice meeting, which allowed the people to be able to express their concerns and their desires. 

On Wednesday I went down to Bangui, for the arrival of Giovanni Grossi Bianchi, the architect who designed the new Carmel Convent. We are working hard these days, to take stock of the situation and evaluate the progress of the work. 

And because of this work and the meetings with the construction company… I'm a bit late with delivering the blog this week!

Via Crucis

Incontro del Cardinal Nzapalainga con la comunità musulmana dei rifugiati ritornati
Rencontre du Cardinal Nzapalainga avec la communauté musulmane des refugiés retournés

Bangui - il nuovo convento
Bangui - le nouveau couvent


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