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Friday, May 20, 2022






Sunday, May 15th I went to celebrate Mass in Zoungbe, a small village 38 km from Baoro. Today there were many people, even from the neighboring villages, because Raymond, who has led the community for years, just returned after 8 months of catechist school in Bocaranga.  Today he began his service as a catechist, together with his wife Estella.

The chapel has a simple thatched roof with a few branches serving as a bench. There are catechists from the 3 nearest villages, with the Bawi choir, and a good number of Christians.

During the Mass I asked Raymond if he wanted to be a catechist in Zoungbe, with the example of life, as a guide of the community's prayer, as a catechism teacher and as with the gift of giving.

After Mass there was a celebration in the village: coffee, cassava, sauces with vegetables and some meat. We had many dances and songs. The Church is beautiful!

I continued the journey, and went down to Bangui, where I arrived in the evening. Mario Mazzali (Super Mario) was with me, a very helpful and very competent volunteer. On Monday and Tuesday we began to prepare the electrical and plumbing systems of the new convent under construction.

Wednesday morning, at 5, as usual, I resumed the road to return to Baoro. In the last stretch before Bossemptele I met a convoy of trucks struggling on the always bad road. The works, financed by the World Bank, are expected to be completed on the 14th of May. Yet it is true that there are hardly any operators at work, but it is even more true that if the works are finished, the holes remain! It is sad to see so much waste in a country that needs repair so badly. And to see the work done so badly, with patches that won't last more than 6 months.

Messa a Zoungbe
Messe à Zoungbe

Cantiere del nuovo convento di Bangui
Chantier du nouveau couvent à Bangui

Le strade DOPO i lavori di riparazione
Les routes APRES les travaux de réparation



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