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Friday, September 16, 2022

The moral sense of a society is measured by what it does for its children (D. Bonhoeffer)






The moral sense of a society is measured by what it does for its children (D. Bonhoeffer)

On Sunday 11 September I went to celebrate Mass in Dobere, a village 50 km from Baoro, on the road (which is a bit paved!) To Bangui.
There were many people, and even in the church there was an air of light heartedness as we resumed various activities. At the end of the month we will have a few days  for the catechists here in Baoro, and in a few weeks the catechism activities will start again.
My service with the Caritas of the diocese of Bouar also continues.
There are villages where the health situation is very dire.
There are some small dispensaries, but they often don't have the necessary medicine. Many areas are difficult to reach, and many people lose their lives because they cannot receive necessary treatment. The most fragile people (the elderly, children and pregnant women) often risk dying from diseases that could be easily cured, especially if medicine was made available, or at least the possibility of going to a hospital.
To respond to this need, UNICEF has asked Caritas of Bouar to engage in a project for children up to 5 years of age (about 30,000), pregnant women and mothers (about 5,000), in the most remote villages of Bouar, Baboua, Abba, Niem and Baoro, where about 150,000 people live.
The project will provide for the supply of materials and medicine, training, visits and controls over a very large area.
On Tuesday, September 13th we met in Bouar, Caritas, UNICEF and doctors and agents of the Ministry of Health, to officially open the project.
In the afternoon I met with the staff of Caritas, who are hoping to improve the health situation.
Good work

Messa a Dobere
La Messe à Dobere

Tinteggiatura della chiesa di Baoro
Les nouveaux coleurs de la paroisse des Baoro

Inizio progetto Caritas - Unicef
Lancement du projet Caritas - Unicef

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