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Sunday, December 25, 2022

A celebration with an exceptional visit

Il Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga


A celebration with an exceptional visit

We are very close to Christmas, and the days are "effervescent" for us.

On Friday I returned from Bangui, and on Saturday I spent the whole day in Barka Bongo, a village 40km from Baoro. Here the Christians of the 4 nearby villages (Bawi, Zoungbe, Barka and Balembe) got together for a day of reflection, prayer and sharing. They call it "be nzoni" (good heart): it is when the villages get together to help one another, even with material goods. In the morning I had a catechesis on the sacrament of Confession, and then there was Mass.
After lunch (where everyone contributed), we started with the "dodo ti dimes": the dance of offerings. The Christians from each village danced and brought their offerings, which we will then deliver to the host village. While the "winner" (the village that donated the most) will have the opportunity to organize the same feast in a year or two.

On Sunday, I celebrated Mass in Samba Bougoulou, 35 km away on the road(ccia) to Carnot.

On Wednesday, December 21st we welcomed an extraordinary guest: the bishop of Bangui, Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga.

He is a man of extraordinary faith and courage (he has just published a beautiful book in Italian: "My struggle for peace. With bare hands against the war in Central Africa", what a great inspiration!).

While here he wanted to visit the most critical areas of our diocese. Areas where, apart from the missionaries and a few others, no one ventures: there are rebel militias who attack and keep the people under constant threat. During his first week he visited Niem,. Bocaranga, Ngaundaye, Mann, stopping in smaller villages. In one school, the children wrote on their boards: "au secours" (help!).

At the end of the visit he stopped here in Baoro, and we held a nice meeting with the young people, in the state high school of Baoro, and another moment with the parish community, at the catechists' school in Baoro.

I am done, wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

Best wishes with Mathieu!

Who is Mathieu?

A couple of weeks ago we completed the work on the chapel of Kouisso Baguera, 7 km from Baoro.

After a solemn Mass, celebrated by the Bishop; with songs, dances and everything there is available for a liturgy in Africa.

Finally, I asked the bishop to give a small gift (a statue of the Child Jesus) to Mathieu.

Mathieu is deaf and mute. He hears nothing, does not speak except for a few verses. But during the work of the chapel he was always there, every day, to lend a hand, with so much joy. He, who is among the last in the village, is the most available and most serene. The Bishop called him up and he came to receive his gift.  He received it with such dignity, and with eyes that shone with joy and emotion.

This year, I wish you all the best, along with Mathieu!

Christmas is no joke! Christmas is God who takes man, every man, so seriously that he himself becomes man.

Christmas, that child, is serious! It changed the world. Believe it or not!

With Christmas, there is God who becomes man, Emmanuel: God with us.

Christmas is a revolution: "Every man is the starting point, each time decisive and each time irreplaceable, of divine activity" (R.Guardini).

Merry Christmas with Mathieu!



i giovani all'ascolto del Cardinale
les jeunes à l'écoute

Barka Bongo



Ecole des catéchistes, Baoro

Samba Bougoulou



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