From the pirogue to Cordoba
Here I am, after a while of silence!
I'm on the train between Cordoba and Madrid! After the visit to Bakouma, I returned to Bangassou, and on Monday I went down to Bangui. On Wednesday at 1:15pm we left Bangui for Addis Ababa, and from here we continued to Madrid, where we arrived on Thursday morning, to continue south, in Andalusia, up to Cordoba.
The reason for this short trip was to get to know the Fundacion Bangassou: founded 20 years ago by friends and family of Mgr. Juan Josè Aguirre, it supports the projects of the diocese of Bangassou, in particular in the educational and healthcare sectors, but also the areas for the orphans, the poor, the elderly, the seminary, and many other Bangassou initiatives.
It was here that I was welcomed into the Patronage (the Board of Directors) last Friday, in a meeting in which the activities and future projects were presented.
Cordoba is the city where the bishop, Mgr Aguirre, was born, and where his large family is located (9, including brothers and sisters), who welcomed me with much affection and kindness. It was like receiving another family as a gift!
Having arrived on Thursday, we will be leaving between today and tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday, for Central Africa. They were very intense days, where we met many many people, and where I was able to discover the many riches of Andalusia, from the food to the affection of the people, and the many treasures of the beautiful city.
On Monday we celebrated Mass in what was the unique treasure, "La Mezquita": the cathedral of Cordoba. With the reconquest of southern Spain, the Catholic kings chose not to destroy the wonderful mosque, but to transform it into a cathedral. It was nice to celebrate the Mass, which brings alive this place of prayer, built 1,200 years ago. It was nice to see that the architecture and beauty of this space have been respected over the centuries, thus becoming a place of peace and respect.
For a Carmelite, a visit to Ubeda, a city 140 km from Cordoba, where Saint John of the Cross, our founder, died, could not be missed.
Now I am on the train to Madrid, and from here I will go to Paris and then to Rennes, to meet some priests from the diocese of Bangassou who live, study and work in France.
Tomorrow, Thursday, I will return to Madrid, and from there, with Mgr Aguirre, we will leave for Bangui.
In just over two weeks, on June 9, I will be consecrated bishop, and in the next few days I will do the spiritual exercises: a time of prayer and reflection in preparation for the sacrament and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I rely greatly on your affection and prayers!
La Mezquita de Cordoba |
La tomba di San Giovanni della Croce a Ubeda Le tombeau de st Jean de la Croix à Ubeda |
Icona moderna, della monache di Ravenna Icone moderne, des Moniales de Ravenna |
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