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Monday, September 7, 2020

Gold sought, gold wasted


Gold sought, gold wasted

After the Chinese companies left Bozoum a few months ago, it remained to be seen how severe the damage to the river and other areas where they dug was.

Amnesty International also made a statement about the issue entitled: "Despite the departure of Chinese companies, there remains the need to conduct an investigation, to give an account and to make amends". Here is the document in French and English:

Last Saturday I finally had the time to go and take a look. I discovered desolation: hectares of rivers and river banks ruined by mountains and holes and where dense, whitish water sits stagnant. No refurbishment work has been done, despite the promises of the Prime Minister, the Ministers of Mines, the Environment and the Water and Forestry ministers. Despite the presence, in Bozoum, of authorities who should precisely carry out control work (Prefectoral Service of Mines, Prefectoral Service of the Environment, the Mining Brigade). Despite the assurances given by the Prefect, the Sub Prefect and the various authorities.

The various sites are very dangerous. A resident of Boyele village told me that when someone has to go to the area, he always gets accompanied, for fear of falling into a hole, or that the earth will collapse. Unfortunately, there have already been many drowned deaths. Too many.

While I look at so much desolation, I am convinced, once more, that we need to work harder and better, starting above all with education.

For this very reason, on Tuesday September 1st and Wednesday the 2nd we are reopening our schools.

Closed due to coronavirus at the end of March, we want to reopen them now to try to make up for lost time, and to ensure a new school year. The work will be hard, but the longer we wait, the more boys and girls will risk losing practically 2 years of school.


The government has not yet set a date for the opening of schools, which are likely to remain closed until January 2021. And this is not acceptable!

Gold sought, gold wasted!



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