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Friday, October 16, 2020

Moving forward!


Moving forward!

This week was almost entirely occupied by the diocesan pastoral session. It is a meeting that happens every year, at the beginning of pastoral activities, bringing together priests, religious men and women, catechists and people involved in the various parishes, for a few days of reflection and exchange.

I take advantage of the trip to return to Baoro, where I spent the day on Tuesday with Fr Maurice. He introduced me to the work that awaits me: there are 17 villages followed and accompanied by the priest. In 9 of these there are village schools, organized by us missionaries, in collaboration with the parents of the children. These schools allow 1,700 children to receive a minimum of school education in the Baoro sector. Besides these schools, there are also 5 kindergartens (with 170 pupils).

We discussed with him and with the coordinator, Simplice, how to organize the reopening, and how to involve parents and villages so that they can come quickly and in large numbers to enroll the children.

With Fr Maurice we also discussed the Mechanical School, which trains about sixty young people in this sector. It is a 2-year program, and at the end the young people come out with a good preparation to be able to repair cars, motorcycles and other means.

Wednesday morning I moved to Bouar, where I participated in the pastoral session. We were many (about eighty), for 4 days of work. There were some big issues (integral ecology, according to Pope Francis' encyclical "Laudato Sì", and the economic autonomy of parishes). We then continued with the presentation of the various activities of parishes and commissions, trying to read what is happening in the country, and to fill ourselves with faith, hope and charity for the communities that await us.

On Sunday 18 October, world mission day, the Session will conclude with a great celebration, in which the Bishop will consecrate the diocese of Bouar to the Child Jesus.

Moving Forward!


Session Pastorale - Bouar 2020



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