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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Full speed ahead




Full speed ahead

Despite the rains and the school holidays, here in Baoro there is always work to do.

These days we are rearranging a chapel in the village of Pate Bonambolo, 15 km from here, on the road to the south. It is a chapel built in 1967, and in need of some restoration. We started with the roof (replacing the wooden beams), and will continue with the rest over the next few weeks.

On Sunday, August 1st I concluded the celebrations of the sacraments in Balembe, a large village 48 km away, in a small thatched chapel. Two boys and an adult received Baptism, and we celebrated a wedding.

On Monday, August 2nd we began a training week for elementary school teachers and kindergarten teachers. There are about sixty teachers; they come from the 9 village schools, the school of the sisters of Baoro and that of Bossemptele, the teachers of our 5 kindergartens in the villages and of the "Germoglio" of Baoro.

It is a week of intense work, of collaboration and understanding on how to better provide quality education to our children.

Tuesday I went down to Bangui, or rather, I made a "run away". Even if it is 400 km of road (outward, and as many in return), I went and returned the next day, Wednesday. The work for the construction of the new convent are taking shape. The excavations are almost finished, and the foundations are beginning. At 2.30 pm we have the first "site meeting", with the director of the company, the architect who supervises the works, the construction manager and the site manager: all enthusiastic to participate in this great "work".

I took advantage of the trip for some meetings and more meetings. On Wednesday, before leaving, I passed by the Nunciature to greet the outgoing Secretary (Fr Natale Albino, from the Diocese of Trani) and the new one, who had just arrived (Fr František Staněk). Fr František is on his first mission, and he comes from the Czech Republic.  He brought me greetings from friends from Prague, and also a book that just came out: "Komenský by zajásal" ("Comenius would rejoice!"), written by Ludmila Böhmova and Kateřina Lachmanova: a presentation of the work carried out by the NGO SIRIRI.OPS in Central Africa, which was at times in Bozoum.

I don't read Czech… but I am able to look at the photos!

Returning to Baoro, I met the boys from the mechanical school who are doing driving school practice lessons.

Full speed ahead, but slowly!

Pate Bonambolo

Battesimi a Balembe
Les baptèmes à Balembe

Formazione maestri
Formation des enseignants

Cantiere del nuovo convento di Bangui
Le chantier du nouveau couvent de Bangui

Nunziatura, Bangui
Nonciature, Bangui

Scuola guida a Baoro
Auto école à Baoro




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