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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Fog, sun, malaria and construction sites



Fog, sun, malaria and construction sites

Here in Central Africa we are now at the end of the rainy season, and we are moving towards the dry season, which will last until March-April: a few months of sun, no clouds, no rain, a lot of dust and very hot temperatures (at least during the day).

Last week I had a bit of malaria, a disease that afflicts (literally!) millions of people. So on Sunday I was not able to celebrate Mass in Dobere (55km) as I had planned.

From Tuesday to Thursday I was in Bangui, for the construction of the new convent. The construction company is continuing with the foundations, and just yesterday they laid part of the slabs and curbs. Work that has kept all the workers until 6 pm, even after the sun has set.

This morning, Thursday, I left early, as usual. During this time it is easy when travelling, whether at night or early in the morning, to find fog along the road. It is always impressive to go from an autumn fog to a beautiful summer sun, in the span of a few minutes and a few kilometers.

Lavori al nuovo Convento del Carmel di Bangui
Les travaux dans le nouveau Couvent du Carmel à Bangui




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